The first redesign in a decade, the new identity is designed to be modular, lightweight, and simple. The design is driven by a philosophy of radical simplicity and elevated focus on art. The visual palette is driven by bold artwork from the museum’s collection coupled with muted, monochromatic colors, simple type, and ample negative space.
Digital Design ● 01.2018 – 01.2019
Analytics and user surveys revealed shifting trends in accessing our platforms. A mobile-first mindset meant that every screen, icon, and layout started small and grew from there, keeping things lightweight and navigable on any device.
Mobile First
The redesign responded to the rich variety of disciplines inherent to an encyclopedic museum, providing common elements across the institution while enabling variations in individualized program branding.
Adaptive Elements
Anticipating transition, a comprehensive component library underpins the redesign, ensuring a consistent look and feel across platforms, mediums, and even languages.
Sheida Koufigar, Alexander Kwong, Jonathan Gorman, David Karwan, Lorraine Wild, and Michael Govan contributed to the creation of the LACMA Digital Identity.